Imported News

New Rentable Spaces


So in the last week or so, Habbo has released exclusively to fansite staff the ability to test some new features.

These features are called "Rentable Spaces".. to go along with the Habbo Palooza campaign going on, there are 6x6 & 4x3 spaces (images below) that you are able to rent, for the time of 10 hours. In this time you can drop any furni (that isn't black listed e.g. wired, trax, black holes) however the furni items can only stay in the selected space you've rented.

Rather than a whole bunch of text, here's some pictures to see what's going on!

These are still in development and might change etc.

If you have any questions for anything that I haven't explained about, comment and I'll do my best to answer.

11 replies on “New Rentable Spaces”

Is it just me or is this whole thing pointless? What in the world can you really build on it? Just add a crappy tent?

I guess it's good for role play rooms on Habbo, e.g. campsites, hotels etc. but I see where you're coming from with this.

This hasn't been made clear yet by staff. It's just in the process of testing and developing. It would be cool if it went to the owner of the room, though.

Like I said it's in development for just the testing of the feature, the price and all the technical stuff comes last. We're just testing the feature it's self.

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