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Why are we slow..

Hi there,

as you might have noticed the last few days some weird stuff is going on. People keep attacking our site, even though we\'re using CloudFlare. Because of these attacks our web host decided to move us to an other server so other sites should work correctly. Because we\'ve moved a couple of time before our data is in a lot of places, resulting in the loss of some data after our latest move. This loss of data caused a Puhekupla system failure, resulting in a stopped Furni uploader, version updater, translation updater, and a lot of other systems as well. I\'m trying to fix those so the site could function normally again but because of my full-time job I\'m unable to spend a lot of time on this (and yes, it is a lot of work).

Because these attacks are still going on I have two options:

- upgrade our CloudFlare to protect us from all DDoS attacks (200$/month)
- upgrade to a private server (VPS) so we have more resources available, but are still vulnerable for attacks (15€/month)

these options are pricey and because I don\'t earn a lot of money with the site those options are not an option.

We\'ll see what happens the next couple of days, otherwise I might have to close the site.

Mark (ZAP)

If you are responsible for the attacks, please contact me and tell me why. Or stop and grow up.

17 replies on “Why are we slow..”

Thats To bad mark, I hope you make the right choise and we still can have Puhekulpa.


This happens all with all the fansites over the world! I hope you overcome this difficult moment. :S

Please dont close the Puhekupla.
This is the site that I keep looking for updates, new furnis, etc. :(

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