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A new client for Habbo in the future..? (If Habbo doesn\'t die)

I just noticed that Sulake is hiring Unity developers. Maybe Habbo will ditch Flash and switch to Unity-based client? That sounds pretty legit as many other games are based on unity and obviously HTML5 and CSS3 + JS wouldn\'t work for Habbo\'s needs.

Or, maybe Sulake is developing another game because they finally noticed that Habbo will die soon..?

10 replies on “A new client for Habbo in the future..? (If Habbo doesn\'t die)”

Well obviously these positions have been open for months, but nobody has noticed this :P

Stupid gossip.

Anyway, Unity3D is only a development resource, but after you need to compile the project to make it compatible with a platform like Flash/PS3/UnityPlayer etc...

I have no idea what Unity and all that stuff is... :S But what will change to Habbo? The game itself?

Do they really know why habbo hotel is decrasing at some habbo hotels? Do they? Do they really know what many habbos want to collect in those games staff and other habbos make in their rooms? Take a look at the past, we played in habbo games like fallin\' furni, race and much more where the prizes are furni or furni+badge and not only badge. Today, you receive badge, badge, badge, badge, badge and another badge. Who want to a bunch of badges when you only can show off five of them in the hotel, while rest at your habbo home. We want to collect furni while we buy our own by collecting them.

Jeee, not that difficult to figure it out, isn\'t it?

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