Imported News

User Interface Unified

\"Thanks again for your helpful feedback in the most recent polls. We thought we\'d give you a sneak peak of the sort of style we\'ve decided on for the new room UI design. There are still a few tweaks to be made, but so far we think it beats illumina and then some and, what\'s even more exciting, it will launch by the end of the year! Please know that, as it\'s being implemented piece by piece, it may take a little longer to get it all up and running.\"

(*) New UI update:

Via: Habbo Hotel

What is your opinion? Leave a comment!

Sorry for the delay of the news


Update Sun Oct 6 - Poll by Jeppe

15 replies on “User Interface Unified”

You do realize that Vado is from Australia where their main language is English. And desativaado.ban is either Brazilian or Portuguese. So with that being said, English isn\'t his main language.

Do a little research before you try to criticize someone, dipshit.

First of all I know who he is, I work for Habbonados (a Brazilian fansite) and I was being sarcastic with that comment.
Also, you do a little research before you try to say something nice about him, he\'s the worst reporter.

I think his articles are fine and understandable. And no, he isn\'t the worst reporter.

While he work on his English, you should start working on your manners. ;)

I like it, but the pictures are old and posted far from the releasing date, im ashamed that i\'m still visiting puhekupla..

25mps,hmmmmm I have cable internet with a maximum of 30 mps which I never get, sometimes in off peak periods I will get 24 to 27 but most of the time I get Half that speed , average of 14 mps download, upload is a joke usually between 1 and 3 mps. My point? that speed is crap and it is one of the best on offer. Do I want to sign up for a NBN that gives me less than what I get now? to be limited to 25mps is less than what I am supposed to get now. Australia’s internet speeds are a worldwide joke, they get better speeds in Uruguay. The Coalition is using headupbutt logic to bodgey up a scheme that they never wanted to offer in the first place, it was only public pressure that made them come up with this half assed donkey. They would rather have a false surplus than spend money for the good or ALL citizens. The UK is the perfect example, they went the way of FTTN and are now; within five years, having to replace it with a very expensive upgrade to FTTP. I believe our Govt is obliged to provide the best internet it is possible to have, for the benefit of all and to provide scope for the future, This is what the ALP is doing, RIGHT NOW, many areas already have FTTP NBN. Like it or not the internet is the way of the future and not planning for it is patently stupid, but then Phoney Tony and Hoke Hockey are not known for their forward thinking or plans for the betterment of ALL Australians.
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