Blogs Imported

SITE UPDATE - Edit your Avatar!

Ever got the feeling the comments section is a bit... bland?

Yeah, we did too. So, we came up with a little something to add that little bit more colour and customization to your Puhekupla experience! You can now change your avatar, which is a little picture of you, customized to your own needs, that will appear next to your comments and also messages.

Alright, calm down? If you're that crazy about it, click onto your profile, edit your profile and then click: 'Edit Avatar'. There, a box should pop up where you can edit what it looks like. Remember, this is only the start. We'll be adding new backgrounds and foregrounds and stances very soon so you can get even more personal.

Please note that it might take as much as one minute for it to update on the site, so please be patient and do not panic! Also, if yours doesn't appear at first, you might have to clear your cache.

Hope you like this little something! More of this to come, we think!

Mark and LiquefiedFilth

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