Imported News

The end of 'Habblets'' - Habbo profile widgets

I'm sure you've all seen fansites with these scanner widgets that allow you to search through a Habbo user's badges, groups, rooms and even friends list - a tool very useful to fansites, and to even us at Puhekupla. As news broke out yesterday, the fate of scanners is soon to meet it's match due to users requesting too much information on the scanners, 20GB's worth causing large error stack-traces in the system.

The official Habbo dev twitter begun to answer out on this, pointing the finger at someone from Finland requesting all this information of users as the fault for the scanners being disabled. Although, there is a catch to all of this, if the user you are searching for has the widget (for friends, groups, rooms or badges) on their homepage when you go to search them - they will be searchable.

What are your thoughts on this? Do you too point the finger at the person who requested so much data, or is there someone else to blame for all of this. Leave your thoughts in the comments.

19 replies on “The end of 'Habblets'' - Habbo profile widgets”

nobody even cares about this really so stop posting stupid news and post actual interesting things about new furni

Guest-76049 took the words right out of my mouth. Puhekupla isn't just about releasing new furniture and new badges and new ways of doing things, its about Sulake and Habbo as companies themselves and telling you all the info that you might need to know. Yes, furniture releases might be more fun to read and look at but, at the end of the day the community comes here for news you don't get anywhere else and you certainly receive it. :)

If there's no new furni then don't make articles, simple? Also if Puhekupla is about more than furni and badge releases then where is all the news on other things? oh right never mind there is none...

I'll take your opinion but not accept it. We obviously post various news items, just scroll down our news feed and open your eyes.

They blame this on "someone from Finland"?? I think they're crying wolf about it. What a bunch of crybabies and little wusses they are! They need to focus on more important things than this.

Oh so you are saying this isn't important? Yet you would be crying if crashed because of so many requests.

That's pretty much my point. If Habbo couldn't handle that many requests, they would've gotten rid of the scanners from the start. I just think this whole thing is a farce... and no, I wouldn't be crying over a virtual game LOL

Why bother with this comment? Puhekupla Reporters known how to "catch" the info, and this was discussed at twitter, not in Habbo, everybody can see it ;)

I think this isn't possible: Apache (and Nginx - the Webserver where Habbo site runs -) have some addons (called mod) that prevent to make so much requests (and GBs) from a single user/client and blocks it.

If they haven't this mod enabled (or the iptables of Linux) they're only stupid, at least in the developers/system engineer department.

I think they only want to disable Habblets for not allow Habbo fansites to do certain actions related to the game (like scan users, furni and badges).

Too bad, Sulake!

And... there is something called PHP Timeout, that doesn't allow a script to run so long to make so big weblogs (and they can delete weblogs...)

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