Imported News

New report player codes!

Various codes were uploaded today, the first set implement the feature of having to highlight the lines you are to report when filing a case, this should allow moderators to deal with a case much quicker as they won't have to trail through lines and lines of chat-log.

help.cfh.error.nochathistory=You cannot submit a call for help without chatting first!
help.cfh.error.chatmissing=You have to select one or more chat lines to indicate the emergency!
help.emergency.chat_report.description=Please help our moderators and highlight lines of chat that you feel they need to see.
help.emergency.chat_report.submit.button=Send help request
help.emergency.chat_report.subtitle=3. What's going on?

The second simply adds a url link to a possible new button.

The third set of codes is an update to the valentine cards that were implemented on the hotel yesterday. These notifications alert the user upon receiving a valentines card from another player.

notification.gifting.valentine.linkTitle=View it
notification.gifting.valentine.message=You have received a Valentines card from %USERNAME%

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