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New public room -update

This room is made by Rakker
We do not know when it officially comes into Habbo

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27 replies on “New public room -update”

Rooms made of furni are no official public rooms in my eyes.

Bring back the old rooms, makes many people happy and saves time.

no no, no no no, no. just no. sorry but this is so god dam ugly please no no no (my opinion) sox babe but just no never in my life no no no

Ewwwww. what in the world is this? Let people make rooms who CAN make rooms and not this shitty . Did you ever see elevators that goes diagonally instead of vertically? LMFAO.
x R

What an ugly remake of the Welcome Lounge! xP I much prefer the original one! Why is there even a clothesrack in the room??

I miss old Habbo (2003 - 2005), the staff were very professional and public rooms were fun and well-done. What happened 2006-onwards, I think that Habbo just sold out.

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