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New quest codes for easter

quests.easter14_1.1394555073733.chaincaption=Anybody there?
quests.easter14_1.1394555073733.chaininfo=Are we alone in this island?
quests.easter14_1.1394557595419.completed=Congratulations. You found evidence of a tribe in this island. The leader of the group is glad to welcome your family of Habbos to Easter Island Please accept this charm as a symbol of friendship.
quests.easter14_1.1394557595419.desc=Are we alone in this island?
quests.easter14_1.1394557595419.hint=Thrown to a deserted island, your mission for today is finding whether there are inhabitants in this piece of earth. You will have to find the right trace of them; for example the kind of food they might eat.<br><br>Tips:<br><br>1.- Never follow your instinct<br>2.- Follow strictly this guide<br>3.- Enter the Easter Island Public Room (or any room where there is an Egg Lamp)<br>4.- Find that kind of food that comes in a box and human would eat no matter it is cold or hot. there? there?
quests.easter14_2.1395056402264.chaincaption=Ritual of Initiation
quests.easter14_2.1395056402264.chaininfo=The tribe invites you to a touching experience.
quests.easter14_2.1395056584558.completed=Congratulations. The cosmos received your message. Please accept this strange mineral fallen from the space as a symbol of concord.
quests.easter14_2.1395056584558.desc=The tribe invites you to a touching experience.
quests.easter14_2.1395056584558.hint=The inhabitants of the Easter Island think that people are linked to the cosmos in a very spiritual way. You are invited to one of the most important rituals of the tribe: send a message to the stars. Refusing this invitation is considered a serious lack of respect.<br><br>Some tips to participate:<br>1.- Listen to the group.<br>2.- Follow strictly this guide.<br>3.- Enter the Easter Island Public Room (or any room where there is an Egg Lamp).<br>4.- Sit down in circles.<br>5.- Write a message to the stars in your motto. of Initiation of Initiation
quests.easter14_3.1395137952724.chaincaption=Forces of Nature
quests.easter14_3.1395137952724.chaininfo=The storm made the earth shake.
quests.easter14_3.1395138413919.completed=Nature seems to be in equilibrium. The harm has been healed. You got now a Sunflower tattooed in your Habbo forever. Check out your Badges inventory.
quests.easter14_3.1395138413919.desc=The storm made the earth shake.
quests.easter14_3.1395138413919.hint=There was an earthquake last night. Also, it started to rain at the southern region of the island, which could ruin this year's harvests. The leader of the tribe thinks that the message we sent yesterday to the cosmos was wrong. Are you sure that what you put in your motto was nice? :-/<br><br>There is one way to amend the offense through another ancestral ceremony: Fry an Egg with a Sunflower. Please do the following:<br><br>1.- Don't ask questions<br>2.- Follow strictly this guide<br>3.- Hold a Sunflower<br>4.- Encircle a The Phallus of Stars item with the help of 2 friends and their Sunflowers<br>5.- This will fry the Egg and its energy will calm down the forces of nature of Nature of Nature
quests.easter14_4.1395240338227.chaincaption=Portent of luck
quests.easter14_4.1395240338227.chaininfo=The plumage of Rubber Ducks is changing.
quests.easter14_4.1395241011549.completed=The Rubber Ducks are ready now to lay the first Easter Eggs of the season. Use this Badge as a compass to find them. Only the braves of the tribe will climb the highest mountains and get the most precious Easter Eggs.
quests.easter14_4.1395241011549.desc=The plumage of Rubber Ducks is changing.
quests.easter14_4.1395241011549.hint=When spring comes, the plumage of Rubber Ducks change. That's a portent of good fortune, because it announces the arrival of the first eggs of the warm season in Easter Island The weather is nicer and life arises from everywhere. The inhabitants celebrate this making altars by stacking an Industrial Block from Builders Club, a Pink Neon Crate and a Rubber Duck. They think this will help Ducks laying eggs. To participate in this ancestral tradition, just:<br><br>1.- Enter the Easter Island Public Room (or any room where there is such a kind of altar), in the good company of a friend, your couple, or a relative.<br>2.- Wave both to the Rubber Duck of luck of good luck
quests.easter14_5.1395249410408.completed=Congratulations, now you are ready to meet the inhabitants of the Easter Island
quests.easter14_5.1395249410408.desc=Climb the highest mountain and get the egg.
quests.easter14_5.1395249410408.hint=The bravest inhabitants of Easter Island compete to get the first Egg of the season. Enter the Easter Island Public Room and climb to where the highest Egg is placed. As easy as clicking on it! Egg of Easter Egg of Easter

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