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Easter codes (LTD+PETS)

landing.view.easter14ltd.body=Hand crafted from the finest pixel jewels, created by the famous 'Frank Habberge', these eggs are sure to add style to your room. Each egg will be available in limited quantities, and once sold out will be unavailable! With FIVE eggs in this unique LTD series, you won't want to miss out…
landing.view.easter14ltd.button=See the series
landing.view.easter14ltd.header=LTD Habberge Egg Series

landing.view.easter14pets.body=For every awesome bunny or chick you buy, you will get some super cool badges. Pink Chick...Blue Bunny...Green Chick...Yellow Bunny - Hop to the shop and save some money!
landing.view.easter14pets.header=Bunnies and chicks HOPPED back to the Shop

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