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New room bundle codes -update2

landing.view.roombundle15.body=Every Habbo can have its own wrestling ring with this AWESOME room bundle. Pre-decorated with everything you need for the next round! This awesome deal even includes an EXCLUSIVE badge. Available via direct purchase and credits
landing.view.roombundle15.button=Visit the room
landing.view.roombundle15.header=Wrestling Ring Room

rotating_roomdeal15 - Wrestling Ring Room - Every Habbo can have its own wrestling ring with this AWESOME room bundle. Pre-decorated with everything you need for the next round! This awesome deal even includes an EXCLUSIVE badge. Available via direct purchase and credits

badge_name_WR015=Wrestling Ring Room
badge_desc_WR015=Given for purchasing Wrestling Ring Room Bundle

Update 1:


Update 2:

New promo:

Thanks to HabboTravel!

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