I really don't know where this badge is for...
It looks cool, but I wanna know where it's for...
Is it for the Diner collection?
The Kitchen Collection?
Is it a Milkshake-badge?
Or just a badge for a Denmark-related competition?
Time will tell..
Badge explanation by EmilovichDK from Habbo Denmark:
You get this badge if you are chosen to be a food-reviewer in the food-week which comes next week in Denmark.
- Haakon
7 replies on “[DK] Diner/Kitchen/Denmar”
You get this badge if you are chosen to be a food-reviewer in the food-week which comes next week in Denmark. I think the new kitchen furniture is being released next week too.
- EmilovichDK from Habbo Denmark
10 habbos get that from somekind of restauranttesterjob. (H)
rofl emilovichdk..
Hoping this is just for DK ;) (L)
Emil, you are lucky XD!