Imported News

New codes and update in Habbo iPad

connection.login.error.blocked.desc=The user has been blocked
connection.login.error.facebook_accesstoken.desc=Facebook login missing accesstoken
connection.login.error.facebook_disabled.desc=The Facebook login is disabled
connection.login.error.facebook_not_connected.desc=Facebook account not connected
connection.login.error.noavatars.desc=Sorry, there are no avatars associated to this acccount, for the time being you need to create one in the Habbo Web.
connection.login.error.noavatars.title=No avatars
connection.login.error.unauthorized.staff=Unauthorized Staff login
connection.login.facebook.asuser=Login as %name%
connection.login.facebook.canceled=Facebook login was cancelled
connection.login.facebook.desc=Welcome %name%, you are about to login to Habbo.
connection.login.facebook.error=There was an error with Facebook login
connection.login.facebook=Login with Facebook

facebook.create_link_in_web=Go to web
facebook.link_creation_description=For the time being the linking needs to be done on the Habbo Web (%url%), after this you can use the Facebook credentials for login.
facebook.link_creation_title=Link account to Facebook

petprofile.level=Level: %level%/%maxlevel%
petprofile.scratches_used=You have used all your scratches for today.
petprofile.skill_level=Skill level

tablet.catalog.bc.toggle=Builders Club mode

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