Imported News

New "HabboX" coming soon? -Update1

-Update1: New screens:

We have found interesting information about a new help system. The system is similar to the HabboX from 2006-2008. The system is currently only on

Who are Ambassadors ?
Ambassadors are experienced users who advise new users and help to preserve community in public rooms. Ambassadors are users who have been chosen for their journey on Habbo, their experience, and their help for other users of the Habbo community.

How to recognize an Ambassador?
Ambassadors wear the « Ambassador from Habbo » badge which following.

I need an Ambassador, how I call him/her ?
Ambassadors can’t be called, but you find them in the public rooms. If you have any question, you need to contact a Habbo Helper, see our Q+A, or you can go to the Helpers HQ. However, if you have any doubt or any question, you can talk to them if you’re in the same room. They’ll answer with pleasure :).

How the Ambassadors team is formed?
The Ambassadors’ team is similar to Sponsorized Games’ team (only in Habbo France, this is an official team which organize games everyday) in its form : « King Ambassadors » and « Master Ambassadors » who manage a team of « Novice Ambassadors ». Ambassadors can kick or mute from one to 18 hours in public and official roms. Also, they can identify new users thanks to the little bubble next to them.

Are Ambassadors replacing Moderators (SOS)?
Ambassadors don’t replace moderators at all. The rights Ambassadors have are restricted to officials and public rooms only. Only serious cases of violation of the Habbo Way are always be reported to our team of professional moderators.

Can I become an Ambassador?
The team is currently in test, with a limited number of users. You can’t sent us a request to be part of the team. Any exeprienced users who knows Habbo, knows how Habbo work, and help others users from the Habbo community can only be selected to become an Ambassador.


5 replies on “New "HabboX" coming soon? -Update1”

Habbo-G (identical to eXperts just another name) could have been the case why sulake chose to create this? I mean the program on .se was recreated and driven by just everyday users.... Which sulake often dislike due to the risks -> which lead to creating this. So they get both credits and control over it.

Habbo-G also created a LOT of buzz around in the hotels and showed that we users want a return of eXperts in someway.

Hope it comes to .com

Saw this when activating Admin permissions the other day, didn't think anything of it, thought it was just more room moderation for Staff/MODs

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