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Safety.Beyond the legal issues

Safety.Beyond the legal issues

It is common question, Can I be fined for creating a Holo? Can I be reported?
These questions have been answered multiple times, so this site isn't the place to discuss these questions.
This time we'll take a new approach:
Most users are retro minors who, due to their young age, they ignore or are unaware of how to navigate through the internet in a safe way for what happens on the internet stays on the internet.
Then we raise a number of questions that I'd like you, reader, respond with your own opinion.
Are children safe in retro?, How would you react to a case of harassment?, How would you react to a case of pedophilia?
To break the ice, I'll answer the questions in my opinion. What about safety?

Are children safe in a retro?
Definitely not, there aren't any retro with the appropriate measures or a group of skilled workers with the necessary skills to solve real problems.
And, a team of qualified moderators is too complicated to get, and after all, if we want a qualified staff we should pay money.
It is more important ban 'hackers' or 'scripters' to ban bullies, right?

How would you react to a case of harassment?
Not only moderators aren't qualified people, but also the administrators themselves are.
Usually retro owners are minors without awareness of the responsibility that comes with being in charge of the security of a high number of users.
We are exposing users to provide personal information without any restriction, and who are exposed to the dangers of the network, and harassment in a very simple way.
An administrator of a retro no resources to treat a case of harassment; neither legal nor has the means to prevent harassment.
Are we exposing threats to children? I'm afraid so.

How would you react to a case of pedophilia?
This question could be answered with the same argument of the previous question, since pederasty is nothing more than a more serious case of harassment.
Best suited in these cases, is to report, but ... The administrator of a retro would report knowing you have an illegal site?
A pederast has access to thousands of children through the retro, to which you can easily access with small talents of social engineering.
Can you avoid this without moderators? I'm afraid not.

Thanks to RSALittleJ!

2 replies on “Safety.Beyond the legal issues”

The same things can be said for a Habbo fansite, or any site for that matter. It's something that is hard to control. There are a pedo on an Official Fansite back in the day, and the fansite owner(s) (who are minors btw) handled it. Just because the website is illegal doesn't make a difference. It may be illegal, but the police don't know that, and they're not going to use their resources to come after you. They would also need to hear from the copywriters in order to pursue it. So, good one...

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