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New codes found -update

landing.view.jan15atticBC.body=Blow off the cobwebs, pull back the sheets to find a hidden treasure trove of dusty attic furni! Build your dusty attic kingdom and pile it high with furni - just don't forget the mousetraps! Head over to the Builder's Warehouse for dusty fun.
landing.view.jan15atticBC.button=To the warehouse!
landing.view.jan15atticBC.header=Forgotten Attic Furni joins Builders Club!

landing.view.jan15atticbundle.body=Hidden behind a locked wooden find the dusty, sheet-covered Attic room full to the cobwebs with forgotten furni. Piled high with dingy cardboard boxes, old wooden furni and dusty piles of paintings this attic is meant to be explored! Includes EXCLUSIVE Badge. Available from 26th Jan.
landing.view.jan15atticbundle.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.jan15atticbundle.header=Forgotten Attic Bundle

landing.view.jan15atticrare.body=Ding, dong - It's time for a rares sale! The dusty attic has brought us a handful of amazing rare furni for you. From Antique grandfather clocks, Cosmos Telescope and a chest full of worn-out certainly won't want to forget about this sale! Each rare includes and EXCLUSIVE badge. On sale for 24hrs only.
landing.view.jan15atticrare.button=See the Rares
landing.view.jan15atticrare.header=Forgotten Attic Rares!

landing.view.jan15public.body=New year brings new and exciting features to the Hotel! From the all NEW room navigator to the long awaited return of public rooms...We have TONS of exciting stuff making a splash into the hotel this year!
landing.view.jan15public.button=Find out more
landing.view.jan15public.header=NEW Features make a splash!

Update (13:51):

New year brings new and exciting features to the Hotel! From the all NEW room navigator to the long awaited return of public rooms...We have TONS of exciting stuff making a splash into the hotel this year! - The hotel's roof!

22 replies on “New codes found -update”

The room would be ok if the zoom out was normal, this is just ugly lol.
"long awaited return of public rooms", return, not recreate with normal (almost all) buyable furni.

If this is what habbo remade, i'm not excited but i am satisfied, too bad new user will never truly experience the colorful, great works of pixel art rooms habbo once had but hey, atleast they didn't butcher the rooftop like they did the Lido

If this is how Habbos bringing them back then i think im done with the site, the only reason i kept logging on everyday was to see if they were ever gonna bring them back and yes they did but not like this. this is BS, habbos spitting in our faces

Although I'm pretty sure this isn't a public room that's gonna be in navigator. I heard that there will be 5 NEW ones

It's... something... too bad the new users are satisfied with this, so we oldskoolies will never get our colourfol and simple community back :(

good thing retros still exist so we can always go back to when habbo was good. this is just pure laziness. users have been arguing, begging for them to come back for what, 4 years now? and this is what habbo delivers. they dont give a crap about their fan base and old school users at all anymore. what happened...?

I think real handdrawn public rooms are coming back, i asked teddy and he said staff told him that real ones will be coming and they have pictures of about 3 of them on habboquests. and one looks a lot like a battle ball room so battleball could be coming back too. still hope!

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