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New codes + badges: Easter15 -update2

landing.view.easter15candy1.body=Today, Santini Corporation produced a sublime piece with chocolate bouquet and a pearly touch. Its light brown colors remind to exotic landscapes. Its magnificent taste makes me think about…, wet dogs in a gutter?? Ewww!
landing.view.easter15candy1.button=Take one
landing.view.easter15candy1.header=The Taster diaries: day 1

landing.view.easter15candy2.body=Santini Corporation is glad to premiere a small piece of heaven shaped in honey crystals and angelical filaments. The sweetest creation after months of hard and affectionate work results in a flavor between honey and…, is that wax? No way, is that earwax? How does earwax taste? Ewww!
landing.view.easter15candy2.button=Take one
landing.view.easter15candy2.header=The Taster diaries: day 2

landing.view.easter15candy3.body=Specialist in silk textures, Santini Corporation made a small edition of elegant, colorful and 'not sticky at all' fruit flavored delicacies. In your mouth, it brings memories of exotic resins. Perhaps too much resin? Definitely, a lot of resin. Hum, Is there a dwentist in the rwoom?? Wwww!
landing.view.easter15candy3.button=Take one
landing.view.easter15candy3.header=The Taster diaries: day 3

landing.view.easter15candy4.body=Bitter sweet symphonies from Santini Corporation HIFI flavor factory. There is a liquorice, sugar, mint and chocolate minimalistic creation for you to enjoy with 5 senses. Listen to the music played when unwrapping the candy; see its beautiful shape; feel the softness of its; smell its rat scent; taste its rotten egg flavor?? Ewww!!
landing.view.easter15candy4.button=Take one
landing.view.easter15candy4.header=The Taster diaries: day 4

landing.view.easter15candy5.body=Santini Corporation made ambrosia for gods with this small piece of sweet craftwork. Its delicate stuffing slides on your palate like the night on the artic winters…, like the snow on the high mountains..., like polar bears on ice, no, like fishes on polar bear fingers? Like buckets full of fishes? My gosh! Spit it! Spit it! Ewww!
landing.view.easter15candy5.button=Take one
landing.view.easter15candy5.header=The Taster diaries: day 5

landing.view.easter15candy6.body=A gemstone at your fingertips, thanks to Santini Corporation, enclosing the fantasy of the ancient tales. Recall your childhood magic moments in one bite…, two bites…, 5 bites! 1 Million bites!! Please, please! I can't stand it! Don't give that to me anymore! Ewww!
landing.view.easter15candy6.button=Take one
landing.view.easter15candy6.header=The Taster diaries: day 6

landing.view.easter15candy7.body=Red is the color of passion and passion is the specialty of Santini Corporation. This enigmatic candy is made with the red of the rainbows; the brilliance of the red fires! The beauty of the red summer sunsets!! The awful taste of the red blood in raw liver pies!!! Ewww!
landing.view.easter15candy7.button=Take one
landing.view.easter15candy7.header=The Taster diaries: day 7

landing.view.easter15candy8.body=Santini Corporation took all the good things in life and beyond life -from coffee aromas, cinema evenings, endless vacations and infinite kisses- to crystalize it all in a candy. Umm! Then they skewed it with an elegant stick to enjoy it little by little. Umm! And, 3 *slurps* later, my eyes are pointing to the bottom of the toilet bowl. Ewww!
landing.view.easter15candy8.button=Take one
landing.view.easter15candy8.header=The Taster diaries: day 8

landing.view.easter15candy9.body=After years traveling all around the world, the master of masters in Santini Corporation came up with a new creation. Candies made of memories from Africa; Arabic exoticism; American dreams; European avant-gardes! Asiatic asiaticism! Australian Oceaniticism! And then, and then you taste it! And then you expend some seconds waiting for that special flavor! And then it is coming! And then! And then it tastes like the socks of a backpacker after 2 months travelling. Ewww!
landing.view.easter15candy9.button=Take one
landing.view.easter15candy9.header=The Taster diaries: day 9

landing.view.easter15candy10.body=Santini Corporation paints all its candies by hand. Painters like Leonardo, Pollock, Dalí and Frida Kahlo decorated some memorable candies. Candies made with the art of their brushes, colored with their paint tubes! Born from the genius minds of genuine artists! Originated in their mythical studios as masterpieces of creativity! And here we have them! All for us! Is that a hair? Ewww!
landing.view.easter15candy10.button=Take one
landing.view.easter15candy10.header=The Taster diaries: day 10

Update 16:40:
landing.view.easter15candy1.header=The Taster diaries: Choco Disc
landing.view.easter15candy10.header=The Taster diaries: Lathers
landing.view.easter15candy2.header=The Taster diaries: Honey Crystals
landing.view.easter15candy3.header=The Taster diaries: Shup Gummy
landing.view.easter15candy4.header=The Taster diaries: Liquo Rolly
landing.view.easter15candy5.header=The Taster diaries: Rainbow Cones
landing.view.easter15candy6.header=The Taster diaries: White Cubes
landing.view.easter15candy7.header=The Taster diaries: Bombonberries
landing.view.easter15candy8.header=The Taster diaries: LolliBooms
landing.view.easter15candy9.header=The Taster diaries: Vanilly Wafers

Update II 17:21:

SCE01 - SCE10

SCE11 - SCE20

One reply on “New codes + badges: Easter15 -update2”

Badges that I like
Sweet ones: chocolate, honey, ice cream, licorice, cream, other ice cream
Ugly ones: sugar cube, strawberry, lollipop, bubble gum
such a dillema T-T

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