Imported News

Bye bye Pocket Habbo

Habbo today announced the end of Pocket Habbo. The reason for the decision is the Sulake is focused on Habbo for iPhone and Habbo for Android.

The news was published only in and it says the app is no longer available for download from September 2, but technical support will be available until December 1.

Click here to read the news. (in Spanish)

10 replies on “Bye bye Pocket Habbo”

No??? Does ppl even use Pocket Habbo? It's really unnecessary now when we have Android and Apple apps for Habbo. I don't think I've used it for a looong time, only good thing is that you can use it when the hotels are closed (not needed for me now, since I now use .com instead of .se).

Yes I do use it. It's a lot faster, easier and wastes a lot less battery than launching the full habbo app. The full habbo app doesn't even have a proper messaging system it's so cramped and small.

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