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Become a Puhekupla Partner


If fansites have been wondering about "Puhekupla Partners" lately, we apologise for the lack of communication, and right now we're going to fix that.

If you sent us e-mails about becoming a Puhekupla Partner recently, unfortunately we have a lack of resources right now to reply to each and every single one of them, so we're now asking you to re-send an e-mail with the correct information for us, to make it a quick and easy process for your website to go live on Puhekupla.

Read below for instructions

Puhekupla receives a lot of visitors each month, so why not be apart of all of the madness (well, goodness!) and become a Puhekupla Partner. Habbo is returning to it's roots, so we thought we would help them, by returning to the "Habbo fansites" roots too, by advertising all of the wonderful fan sites out there with an updated list.

We're inviting the whole community out there who runs a fansite to contact us, and be a partner with us, so all of our viewers can see your website with a short description and image.

If you're interested in becoming a Puhekupla Partner, e-mail the following to [email protected]
with the subject line "Puhekupla Partner":

- Your name
- Your e-mail
- Fansite name
- Fansite link
- Country fansite is based in
- Fansite description
- Fansite link image (max. 120x40 px)
- 2 names of administrators usernames on Puhekupla


Accepted fansites will show up on this page, and will be checked regularly. Details will be sent back in an e-mail, thanks!

(I) PLEASE NOTE: All fansites that are ALREADY on the fansite page MUST re-apply (re-email) as all fansites on this page will be DELETED!

By Vado

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