Imported News

Moderation System Changes

Gradual sanctions
The biggest change in comparison to the old moderation system is that most of the sanctions are now gradual. The new ban chart progresses like so:

1 hour mute
18 hour ban
7 days ban
30 days ban I
30 days ban II
Permanent ban

From now on, one offense will move you one step ahead on the above chart, so you will want to be careful how you act in the hotel – especially if you’re in the latter stages of the gradual system!

NOTE: Mods will still use tougher sanctions for more severe misbehaviour! You can check the Habbo Way here .

Probation time
Sanctioned users are given a 30–60 day long probation period, which starts the moment the sanction ends. Once the probation time comes to an end, a Habbo user’s ban record gets wiped clean.

The 30 day probation period applies to users who have had one of the following sanctions imposed upon them:

1 hour mute
18 hours ban
7 days ban
The 60 day probation period applies to users who have had at least one of the following sanctions imposed upon them:

30 days ban I
30 days ban II
Where to check your current sanction status

You will be able to check your sanction record and remaining probation time by simply clicking the ”Help” button in the top right corner of the screen and proceeding to “My sanction status”.

Reporting a misbehaving user

You can report another user for being out of line by clicking the “Help” button on the top right corner of the screen, clicking “Someone is misbehaving” and then choosing the category that best fits the situation. You can find more tips for handling uncomfortable situations here.

Sending false reports is sanctionable from now on!

We want to provide our users with the very best moderation service and this means our moderators need to be able to concentrate on handling the real and legitimate reports that require intervention. This is why sending illegitimate or false reports that unnecessarily burden our moderation system will be sanctionable from now on. Illegitimate or false reports are CFHs sent for trolling, bullying or other way of misusing the reporting system. In the future, you will be able to keep reporting someone intentionally doing harm to others or themselves but just keep in mind that if you repeatedly make calls for help without good reason, you can be punished.

If you've read all the way to here, this tells us you care about being the best Habbo you can be possibly be. To show you that we care too, we've got two games for you to check out to mark the occasion. Head to the Ambassador Hub room for any questions you may still have and find the teleports that link you to two week-long events!

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8 replies on “Moderation System Changes”

It's okay to criticize, but let that criticism be constructive instead! He's learning you know :)

1) The news is only for information ( many fansites copy habbo news)
2) You are not authorized to call me stupid

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