Imported News

New codes -Update

npc.easterduck.localization_1=HELLO, everyone! Click me to give everyone in this room an Easter gift!
npc.easterduck.localization_2=Oh, I do LOVE Easter time…
npc.easterduck.localization_3=Everyone, give a round of applause and a big thank you to %username%!
npc.easterrabbit.localization_1=Happy Easter! The first Habbo to click me gets a gift.
npc.easterrabbit.localization_2=Who wants an Easter gift?
npc.easterrabbit.localization_3=Here you go, %username% - check your inventory!
npc.easterrabbit.localization_4=I’ve got more stuff to deliver, goodbye for now!

Update 20:16 - More codes were found for security

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