Furni Imported News

Ancient Greek Rares - Habbo

RARE Medusa Hair!
Snakes for hair. Snakes for hair! SNAKES FOR HAIR! Rare and never to sold again. Get one of these hairstyles while you can, Habbos!


GRK10 (badge)
RARE Medusa Hair

¡RARO Pelo de Medusa!
RARO Cabelo Medusa!
HARVINAISET Meduusan hiukset!
Cheveux de Méduse RARE !
Acconciatura Medusa RARA!
Zeldzaam Medusa Kapsel!
RARE Medusa Haar!
NADÄ°RE Medusa Saç!

RARE Luxury Tiled Bath!
Who doesn't love a nice hot bath? Particularly when it's decorated with luxury mosaic tiles. Rare and available for a limited time only!


GRK11 (badge)
RARE Luxury Tiled Bath

¡RARO Baño de azulejos de lujo!
RARO Banheira de Mosaico Luxuosa!
HARVINAINEN Luksuskylpyamme!
Luxueux Bain Carrelé RARE !
Bagno piastrellato di lusso RARO!
Zeldzaam Luxe Betegeld Bad!
RARE Luxuriös gefliestes Bad
NADÄ°RE Lüks Çinili Banyo!

RARE Minotaur Horns!
Become the mythical beast. Rare and never to be released again!


GRK12 (badge)
RARE Minotaur Horns

¡RARO Cuernos de Minotauro!
RARO Chifres Minotauro!
HARVINAISET Minotaurin sarvet!
Cornes de Minotaure RARE !
Corna di Minotauro RARE!
Zeldzame Minotaurus Horens!
RARE Minotaurus Hörner
NADİRE Minotaur Boynuzları!

RARE Senator's Bed!
Greek senators are said to be the founders of the first known democracy in the world. They deserved a good bed, right? Rare and only available for a limited time!


GRK13 (badge)
RARE Senator's Bed

¡RARO Litera de Senador!
RARO Leito do Senado!
HARVINAINEN Senaattorin sänky!
Lit de Sénateur RARE !
Letto Ateniese RARO
Zeldzaam Senator's Bed!
RARE Senator Bett
NADÄ°RE Senatör Yatağı!

RARE Theatrical Masks!
There's a mask for every occasion. Well, not EVERY occasion. However, we've got a tragic mask and a comedic mask for sale. Both rare, both never to be sold again!


GRK14 (badge) - GRK15 (badge)
RARE Comic Mask - RARE Tragedy Mask

¡RARO Máscaras de teatro!
RARO Máscaras Teatrais!
HARVINAISET Teatterinaamiot!
Masques de Théâtre RARE !
Maschere Teatrali RARE!
Zeldzame Theater Maskers!
RARE Theatermasken
NADÄ°RE Tiyatro Maskeleri!

RARE Ancient Greek Chariot!
Maybe you'll never be able to own an ancient greek chariot in real life. But it's Habbo - so you can. RARE and NEVER to be sold again!


GRK16 (badge)
RARE Ancient Greek Chariot

¡RARO Carro de la Antigua Grecia!
RARO Biga Grega Antiga!
HARVINAISET Antiikin Kreikan kärryt!
Char Grèce Antique RARE !
Carro Antica Grecia RARO!
Zeldzame Oude Griekse Strijdwagens!
RARE Antiker griechischer Streitwagen
NADİRE Antik Yunan arabası!

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