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Ancient Greek Bundles - Habbo // UPDATE1

Greek Hot Springs Bundle
Take some time out, revitalise your pixels and take a hot bath in these natural hot springs. (Built by xxxxx.)

45 + 45

GRK01 (badge)
Greek Hot Springs Bundle

Lote Aguas termales griegas
Pack Termas Gregas
Kreikkalainen kuuma lähde
Thermes Grecs
Affare Stanza Sorgenti Calde di Antica Grecia
Griekse Heetwaterbron Bundel
Griechische Heisswasserquellen Bündel
Kaplıca Paketi

Colossus of Rhodes Bundle
Built as a dedication to the greek sun god Helios, this statue was one of the seven wonders of the world. Check out this bundle and pick up your own piece of ancient greek history! (Built by xxxxx.)

45 + 45

GRK02 (badge)
Colossus of Rhodes Bundle

Lote Coloso de Rhodas
Pack Colosso de Rhodes
Rodoksen kolossi
Le Colosse de Rhodes
Affare Stanza Colosso di Rodi
Kolossus van Rodos Bundel
Koloss von Rhodos Bündel
Rodos Heykel Paketi

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