Imported News

Job cuts at Sulake

Thanks to a tweet on Twitter by Roxeteer we have learnt of plans for a 20% of Sulake employees in Helsinki to be let go. The exact tweet goes like so:

"So now it's on Kauppalehti: Sulake reduces its Helsinki workforce by up to 20%. Employee negotiations start on Monday."

Now remember this is for Sulake not Habbo FI so its likely some job cuts may affect some of Sulake's other projects such as Habbo and the mobile game Bobba. We do not know exactly who will be affected by these job cuts or whether it will affect any of its major projects such as Habbo.

It is possible that the job cuts may affect other offices around the world. We will keep you updated on the subject.

Just been talking to a few people and getting stuff translated. Thanks Roxeteer for giving me this article which is in Finnish.

I have extracted some of the main points. Sulake plan to let go of up to 40 of their 200 Finland based employees (think thats right) and the cause for change is because of increased competition. There is even a quote there:

"Itsenäisten palveluiden tilalle on muodostumassa löyhiä verkostoja, joissa hyödynnetään yhteisiä käyttäjätunnuksia ja jaettuja alustoja, kuten Facebookia. Kilpailukyvyn säilyttäminen vaatii yrityksiltä yhä tehokkaampia ja ketterämpiä toimintamalleja"
CEO Timo Soininen

Which Translates (roughly) into:

"In place of independent services there are forming loose networks where shared accounts and platforms are being used, like for example Facebook. To maintain competitiveness companies must develop even more efficient business models."
CEO Timo Soininen

- Lab-Rat

2 replies on “Job cuts at Sulake”

Wow, I was waiting to read what the bad news roxeteer tweeted about a few hours ago. I'm eager to find out how big of an affect this will have on Sulake's projects, if not, within the Helsinki castle itself.

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