NEW: Bank Bundle
Banks - useful for storing wealth. In Habbo AND in real life. Comes with an exclusive badge! Room made by Frission (COM)
BAB01 (badge)
Bank Bundle
199 credits
90 credits + 90 diamonds
(DIAMOND) Includes the following items: (DIAMOND)
Code: exe_glassdvdr
Name: Executive Divider
Code: xmas_c15_poinsettia
Name: Christmas Poinsettia
Code: computer_flatscreen
Name: Desktop Computer
Code: pstack
Name: Scratch pad
Code: safe_silo*2
Name: Black Safe Minibar
Code: es_build2
Name: Skyscraper 2
Code: ktchn_inspctr
Name: Kitchen Inspector
Code: es_build1
Name: Skyscraper 1
Code: army_c15_contable
Name: Conference Table
Code: army_c15_contable2
Name: Conference Table Corner
Code: CF_10_coin_gold
Name: Gold Coin (Worth 10 Credits)
Code: exe_s_table
Name: Glass Table
Code: xmas11_luxsofa2
Name: Red Chesterfield Sofa
Code: es_fnc_1
Name: City Street Barrier
Code: xmas11_luxfloor1
Name: Parquet
Code: exe_seccam
Name: Security Camera
Code: xmas11_luxfloor2
Name: Polished Stone Floor
Code: prison_dvdr2
Name: Prison Wall
Code: exe_c15_telephone
Name: Desk Phone
Code: exe_map
Name: World Map
Code: tokyo_c18_magazinerack
Name: Tokyo Magazine Rack
Code: desk_junk
Name: Desk Junk
Code: paris_c15_crn
Name: Chateau Pillar
Code: army_c15_officetent
Name: Office Cubicle
Code: army_c15_wall
Name: Conference Walls
Code: js_bouncer
Name: Bouncer
Code: prison_dvdr1
Name: Prison Bars
Code: hween_c18_olddocs2
Name: Discarded Computer Readouts
Code: waasa_chair
Name: Computer Chair
Code: jetset_moneypatch
Name: Cash Patch
Code: paris_c15_awning
Name: Tricolore Awning
Code: rope_divider
Name: Rope Divider
Code: easter_c18_chair
Name: Conservatory Chair
Code: CF_1_coin_bronze
Name: Bronze Coin
Code: suncity_c19_glasswall
Name: Sunlight City Wall
Code: CF_20_moneybag
Name: Sack of Coins
Code: xmas_c17_man
Name: Carol Singing Man
Code: es_fnc_2
Name: City Street Divider
Code: exe_c15_wall
Name: Executive Skyline
Code: prison_gate
Name: Prison Gate
Code: waasa_rug5
Name: Gray Waasa Rug
Code: easter_c18_patternfloor
Name: Conservatory Floor
Code: lodge_c15_floor
Name: Lodge Floor
Code: exe_c15_desktidy
Name: Desk Tidy
Code: es_build3
Name: Skyscraper 3
Code: roombg_city1
Name: Skyscraper City
Code: hween_c18_complexmchn2
Name: Snooping Device
Code: exe_plant
Name: Office Plant
Code: easter_c18_table
Name: Conservatory Coffee Table
NUEVO: Lote Banco
NOVO: Pack Banco Central
UUTUUS: Pankki-huonepaketti
NOUVEAU : Pack Banque
NUOVO: Affare Stanza Banca
NIEUW: Bank Bundel
NEU: Bank Bündel
YENÄ°: Banka Oda Paketi
3 replies on “Bank Bundle - Habbo”
Se burlan con eso de la "caja de ahorro"... singale al rato cuando se queden sin gente a ver si invitan a las ratas de paso. Ops X)
I was actually hoping for totally new furnis..
Stale. I think sulake gave up on habbo after COVID. Either that or I think they made one of the bosses kid (who isn’t very smart but it’s the boss’s kid so yeah) run this gig. It’s sinking faster than titanic. It’s good though because now we get to forget about this stupid pixel game and move on with life.