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Xmas10 Win win badges

Hi ! Here are the new Xmas2010 WIN-WIN badges :

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47 replies on “Xmas10 Win win badges”

I repeat. The images were created by an Italian fansite (Habbings) to have International success. The pictures are totally Fake!

You guys are noobs/idiots. The reason is Battle Banzai is the theme is TOKYO with all the crazy lights. How in the world would Snow Storm be themed TOKYO...?

It wouldn't.

[b]Case Closed.[/b]

How on earth did they theme Battle Banzai as Tokyo in the first place? SnowStorm could come back as anything. One things for sure it won't be the old one or in an official room. They wouldn't do that for one game and not the other.


You Idiot, Obviously it won't come back the same if its not the same? What I'm saying is it WON'T BE Tokyo for snowstorm.

Thats like someone redesigning pants from the 80's and rereleasing it under the same name and saying "Oh look at this neat new design!"

Not gonna happen.

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