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Free Habbo Credits! - It is no joke...

It is finally possible! Now you can earn Habbo Credits by completing selected offers and surveys, find out here how:
1,) Select the amount of Credits you'd like to earn by clicking on an offer

2,) Follow the instructions on how to earn your Credits

3,) Keep track of when your Credits will be delivered by clicking the green 'Check Offer Status' button

4,) You will see the Credits in your Purse

More information here: Credit Offers

26 replies on “Free Habbo Credits! - It is no joke...”

This isn't like you become rich of it, but you could get a few credits for free, if you do the right "quests" here. :)

This is pretty stupid.
Habbo is all for making sure that your PC doesn't have a keylogger or anything on it but they dont giv a crap if you (being a little 8 or 10 year old kid) signs up for hundreds of spam emails/ newsletters and junk mail do they.
Have of those sites and programs look like malware programs anyway.
Just because Sulake are gold digging b******s and they will get paid per click.

Most of these are scams, but I did get 40 free credits from trying out Netflix. I was going to get it anyway, so the 40 credits are a nice bonus. :)


It's not like their forcing you to do it... it's an addon for those who really want coins. If you are too scared of being stalked by some government consipracy then simply don't sign up for free coins. simple as that.

You can lie about the personal details, guys. I just put in some pizza place's number, address, and e-mail. I don't advise it, but they're probably used to getting spam anyway.

I sure wish all of the malware and viruses the 'free credit' sites are trying to add to my computer were a joke.


What I'm saying is, Habbo doesn't need to look out for 10 year olds because it's their parents fault for allowing them to play.

Yay took me 5 hours to work out how to actually get the credits baha. I'm 3 credits richer. Also, be aware that some of the ways to get credits you have to download a program - which McAfee secuirty says malware is located in bahahah

Bing's offer was great, Fiesta's didn't work for me, and most of the other free offers are scams or contain malicious threats. Paid offers are meh.

ehhm guys, be careful please cause you can get [b]hacked[/b] by just [b]clicking[/b] on the wrong [b]link[/b]please don't be stupid!
i know, i know.. free credits and stuff, but i readed comments and that other guys said you have to give [b]personal[/b] information like your [b]telephone number[/b].. and [b]IF[/b] you are so [b]stupid[/b] to do it, just give a fake number!
and, yes i know sulake asks damn much money for a few credits, but it's way more legally and safer than this

This is kind of ironic.. In Holland we got the Hacker Hunt to prevent any hacks 'n stuff. But now Habbo is making theirselves pretty much worser! They made Habbo like it so hackers can give out links which occur in hacks or viruses and now this. What's wrong with Habbo those days?! Sheesh.

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