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Hole Achievements!

New achievements:

badge_name_fb_ACH_RoomDecoHoleFurniCount=%realname% is a Room Architect %roman%
badge_desc_fb_ACH_RoomDecoHoleFurniCount=%realname% has a cool room. Check it out!

badge_name_ACH_RoomDecoHoleFurniCountRoom=Room Architect %roman%
badge_desc_ACH_RoomDecoHoleFurniCount=For adding %limit% holes to my rooms.

11 replies on “Hole Achievements!”

I hope it's not gonna be in the catalogue. And if it will, I hope that it wont be expensive x_x

Hehe, finally.

But I think that it wil be in the catalog
or it will be exclusivly for VIP's

I've already been blocking off parts of a room with Half eaten (invisible) T-bones and raising them off the ground so users can't walk on it. I guess I'll use the "Holes" if I can buy them with pixels...

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