Imported News

Normans meeting

Today's meeting :

- New Habbo France staff: Miss.Sunshine
- The Pet Horse will be released next week.
- The Pet Horse will be mountable
- The Pet Monkey will never be released in the Catalog.
- New achievements will be out by the end of the year.
- New games will come for Christmas in Q4 2011, it will be a great Christmas.

Credits: Habbocean & guest

8 replies on “Normans meeting”

Real english translation:

- New Habbo France staff: Miss.Sunshine
- The Pet Horse will be released next week.
- The Pet Hourse will be mountable
- The Pet Monkey will never be released in the Catalog.
- New achievements will be out by the end of the year.
- New games will come for Christmas in Q4 2011, it will be a great Christmas.

Nederlandse vertaling:

- Nieuwe Franse Habbo Staff: Miss.Sunshine
- Het nieuwe Habbo Paard zal volgende week worden gereleasd.
- Het Habbo Paard zal monteerbaar worden.
- Het Habbo Aapje zal nooit in de catalogus komen.
- Nieuwe achievements zullen uitkomen in het einde van dit jaar.
- Er komen nieuwe spelletjes in kwartaal 4 van 2011, het wordt een hele leuke Kerst!

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