Imported News


New code:

New function:

New button:

Image: Habbox

Renato57 and Brunovskeh

Edit by AbobadoPT
New codes:

extendedprofile.lastaccess=Last logged in: need to be a member of either <b>HABBO CLUB</b> or <b>VIP CLUB</b> to join more than <b>3</b> Groups.
friendlytime.days.ago=%amount% days ago
friendlytime.minutes.ago=%amount% minutes ago need to be a member of either <b>HABBO CLUB</b> or <b>VIP CLUB</b> to <b>manage</b> a Group.
friendlytime.hours.ago=%amount% hours ago
friendlytime.seconds.ago=%amount% seconds ago

10 replies on “BUILD 848 [UPDATE]”

I'm guessing the new "Decorate room" option will make your habbo dissapear, so you can freely place furniture without having to move your character.

The decorate room button locks your habbo in place. It has a 1 click pickup/move motion. With practice I'm sure it can be useful. The only downside I see is that you can't drag the room around while in This mode.

I really like the the eye icon! It brings up your friends in game profile. Very nice for the nosy types :)

.. That Decorate room button, has been released earlier. I've been using it a lot ^-^

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