Imported News

BUILD 864 - Update3

New image xmas 2011:

New drinks:

Update the catalog:

Update by Brunovskeh

Now, when get a drink of some Habbo, an alert will appear for you. (Like when you are respected)

Update by Oleg

Group improvements.
Now you can see home rooms of your groups in own rooms list.

Update by Renato

New codes:

group.members.pageinfo=%amount% matching users. Page %page% / %totalPages%
group.joinfail.5=Habbo cannot join any more groups because he/ she is not a member of Habbo Club. Without a HC or VIP subscription, Habbos can only join 3 groups.
group.joinfail.6=Habbo cannot join any more groups. He/she has reached the maximum memberships limit, which is 50. Group homeroom non-admin members
group.edit.error.controllers=The room you selected as Ggroup base has users with room rights.
Group rights will override the current rights and this can't be reversed.
Are you sure you wish to continue? only admins membership requests all members

15 replies on “BUILD 864 - Update3”

I don't think so, people will boost by constantly giving people drinks.. I think its another way of giving respect or something ;)

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