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Habbo Furniture editor

Hi everyone!
Habbo staff released today a screenshot of the "Habbo furniture editor":

20 replies on “Habbo Furniture editor”

Anyone else notice the mix of both Windows 7 and Windows XP? Look at the close, minimize and maximize buttons.

[quote=N14615] Nope, I found it from [url=]here[/url]!

[quote=N14622] Oh, really? Watch a bit closer from there: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------^
What do you see? Translator? Nope. Reporter.

[quote=N14626] Nope, I wrote this article yesterday, but somebody hided it. Renato didn't do anything and I'm not gay because I have a girlfriend.


No, no, no, Renato wrote the [u][b]same[/b][/u] article and he published it ; so, yes, you're a big gay, you're always cheating : you stole Dimix's article about Niko released in New-Zealand, and now Renato's article.

Ok, Puhekupla know how to choose his reporter.. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL.

[quote=N14631] I think, the furniture are designed in photoshop and after that loaded in to the editor, where they make it ready for the hotel.

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