Imported News

Horse Achievements and BUILD1121

New images:

New codes:
pet.command.45=Count Jump Skill
badge_desc_ACH_HorseConsecutiveJumpsCount=For jumping over %limit% obstacles successfully
badge_name_ACH_HorseJumping=Horse jumping level %roman%
badge_name_ACH_HorseConsecutiveJumpsCount=Level %roman% equestrian
badge_desc_ACH_HorseJumping=For jumping %limit% times with your horse
badge_name_fb_ACH_HorseConsecutiveJumpsCount=%realname% is a level %roman% equestrian
badge_name_fb_ACH_RoomHorseJumpCount=%realname% is a level %roman% equestrian track host
badge_desc_ACH_RoomHorseJumpCount=For hosting a total of %limit% jumps in their room
badge_desc_fb_ACH_HorseJumping=%realname% has achieved a new horse jumping level!
badge_name_ACH_RoomHorseJumpCount=Equestrian track host level %roman%
badge_desc_fb_ACH_HorseConsecutiveJumpsCount=%realname% has successfully jumped over %limit% obstacles in a row!
badge_desc_fb_ACH_RoomHorseJumpCount=%realname% has achieved a new equestrian trak host level!
badge_name_fb_ACH_HorseJumping=%realname% is a horse jumper level %roman% player

New Achievements

ACH_HorseJumping1 - 5

ACH_RoomHorseJumpCount1 - 5

ACH_HorseConsecutiveJumpsCount1 - 10

thx: Habbos

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