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Horse Quests

New codes, Quest Horse: The Word
quests.Horse_12_1.1330417308599.completed=Excellent! You\'ve earned 1 Horseshoe! Horseshoes can be used in the Shop to buy Furni and other items. To Ride
quests.Horse_12_1.1331192713665.hint=Remember to ask the horse owner before riding their horse, and be sure to ride the horse all around the room!
quests.Horse_12_1.1331192713665.completed=Alright! Remember to check back tomorrow for more quests and to earn more Horseshoes! Started
quests.Horse_12_1.1331192713665.desc=Try out riding another Habbos horse. Is Caring
quests.Horse_12_1.1331191191234.completed=Good stuff, I think you\'ve just converted another Habbo to the joys of horse riding!
quests.Horse_12_1.1330420258336.completed=You\'re a natural!
quests.Horse_12_1.1330420258336.hint=If you don\'t own a horse, it\'s not a problem! Just find a room with plenty of horses and ask the owner if you can take one for a ride. You can ride a horse by clicking on it and then on \"Ride\".
quests.Horse_12_1.1330417308599.hint=Change your looks by clicking on yourself and then the My Clothes button.
quests.Horse_12_1.1331191191234.hint=You need to be riding a horse while talking to other Habbos. Talk to them about how much you enjoy riding, and encourage them to saddle up.
quests.Horse_12_1.1330420258336.desc=Find yourself a horse and take it for a ride.
quests.Horse_12_1.1330417308599.desc=Get ready to ride by wearing your riding helmet.
quests.Horse_12_1.1331191191234.desc=Ride a horse and talk to other Habbos about horse riding. a Test Ride

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4 replies on “Horse Quests”

... is the stable like a FREEZE/Battle banzai gate? So you can use other\'s horse? no.. wierd idea.


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