Imported News

Build 1201!

Hey! Today Habbo updated to Build 1201, bring quite a bit of new stuff!

1st - Looks like the hotel view has been replaced!

Horse point things are also available from horse quests:

And in-game news has FINALLY gone, and been replaced with minimail!

Hotelview button returns:

Horses also have \"jump skill\":

Enjoy the update!

5 replies on “Build 1201!”

Tell me... is the images working or? I think I got a problem - I cannot go to the habbo hotel (it pops op with \"Oops!\" and load like this: 0%, 90% and 100%...)
Now about 4th day it does that... it takes hours to get into the hotel, and this is also on other games... ex. now will the images not load... [b]grash.[/b]


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