New furnis has been found on the Sulake server.
Code: thai_c21_marketstall
Name: Thai Market Stall
Code: thai_c21_candledish
Name: Dish of Candles
Code: thai_c21_woodenwardrobe
Name: Meticulously Carved Wardrobe
Code: thai_c21_buildingpieces
Name: Stilt House Wall
Code: thai_c21_bridgewalkway
Name: Stilt House Walkway
Code: thai_c21_pillow
Name: Pillow Stack
Code: thai_c21_waterrock
Name: Lagoon Crag
Code: thai_c21_boat1
Name: Paddle Canoe
Code: thai_r21_waterfalltree
Name: Sacred Lagoon Tree
Code: thai_c21_mangrovetree
Name: Lagoon Mangrove
Code: thai_c21_strawlamp
Name: Straw Ceiling Lamp
Code: thai_c21_roofblock
Name: Stilt House Roof Block
Code: thai_c21_woodenstatue
Name: Traditional Thai Statue
Code: thai_c21_woodensofa
Name: Carved Wooden Sofa
Code: thai_r21_clothingboxB
Name: Traditional Outfit Chest (non-crackable)
Code: thai_c21_platform
Name: Stilt House Platform
Code: thai_c21_fruits
Name: Pungent Market Fruits
Code: thai_c21_arch
Name: Stilt House Arch
Code: thai_ltd21_yakgodstatue
Name: Gold Leaf God
Code: thai_c21_mangrovecrab
Name: I Will Nip You
Code: thai_r21_clothingbox
Name: Traditional Outfit Chest
Code: thai_c21_divider
Name: Angled Railings
Code: thai_c21_food
Name: Delicious Street Food
Code: thai_c21_table
Name: Varnished Thai Table
Code: thai_c21_woodcarvingset
Name: Wood Carving Set
Code: thai_c21_boat2
Name: Paddle Canoe Seat
Code: thai_c21_roof
Name: Stilt House Roof
Code: thai_c21_indoorstove
Name: Traditional Thai Stove
Code: thai_c21_boat3
Name: Paddle Canoe Section
Code: thai_c21_woodcarvingsetB
Name: Wood Carving Set (non-crackable)
Code: thai_r21_babyele
Name: Aranya the Elephant
Code: thai_c21_woodenendtable
Name: Ornate Carved Table
Code: thai_c21_closetseat
Name: Decorative Cupboard Seat
Code: thai_c21_rootedgrass
Name: Grassy Lagoon Patch
Code: thai_c21_crystalwater
Name: Perfect Lagoon Water
Code: thai_c21_tropicalbg
Name: Paradise Found