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August 2019: Official Habbo Twitter Giveaway (Sunlight City)

SLC12 (exclusive badge) Sunlight City Clothing Winner Prizes

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Sunlight City Images + Icon - Habbo

(I) UPDATE 31/07 icon_287 Hotel View Sunlight City Crafting Classic Furni Sunlight City Furni Sunlight City Clothing

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August 2019: The Invasion of Sunlight City (Official Games)

The Invasion of Sunlight City (*) The invasion has begun! Solar Gremlins have decided to destroy everything they see and they have started with a place every Habbo loves: the coffee shop. Help fix the coffee shop before the tension expands. Step on every piece of trash you see, but watch out for the gremlins! […]

Furni Imported News

Sunlight City Campaign - Rares - Habbo

RARE Butterfly Dress! Charm the citizens of Sunlight City with this exquisite new dress. Rare and NEVER to be sold again! [furni=”clothing_r19_butterflydress”] SLC05 (badge) RARE Butterfly Dress RARO Vestido Mariposa RARO Vestido Butterfly! HARVINAINEN Perhosmekko! Robe Papillon RARE ! Vestito Farfalla RARO! Zeldzame Vlinderjurk! RARE Schmetterlingskleid NADÄ°RE Kelebek Elbise! RARE Aqua Crystal Fountain! These fountains […]

Imported News

Sunlight City Bundle (August 2019) - Habbo

NEW: Sunlight City Bundle! Kick back and enjoy the sights and smells of Sunlight City. Get a great deal on our new furni line with this bundle. Exclusive badge included! 199 90 + 90 SLC01 (badge) Sunlight City Bundle NUEVO: Lote Ciudad de la Luz NOVO: Pack Cidade do Amanhã! UUSI: Auringonpaisteinen kaupunki -huonepaketti! NOUVEAU […]

Imported News

Sunlight City Campaign - Bundles - Habbo

NEW: Sunlight City Bundle! Kick back and enjoy the sights and smells of Sunlight City. Get a great deal on our new furni line with this bundle. Exclusive badge included! 199 90 + 90 SLC01 (badge) Sunlight City Bundle NUEVO: Lote Ciudad de la Luz NOVO: Pack Cidade do Amanhã! UUSI: Auringonpaisteinen kaupunki -huonepaketti! NOUVEAU […]

Furni Imported News

Sunlight City - New achievements - Habbo

landing.view.suncity19craft.body=Use the Trashbot Jr. crafting table in conjunction with different ingredients to create Sunlight City clothing and furni! landing.view.suncity19craft.button=Go craft! landing.view.suncity19craft.header=Sunlight City Crafting! [furni=”suncity_c19_trashboy”] ACH_Suncity1 – ACH_Suncity10 badge_name_ACH_Suncity1=Crafted 2 Sun City Items badge_name_ACH_Suncity2=Crafted 4 Sun City Items badge_name_ACH_Suncity3=Crafted 6 Sun City Items badge_name_ACH_Suncity4=Crafted 8 Sun City Items badge_name_ACH_Suncity5=Crafted 10 Sun City Items badge_name_ACH_Suncity6=Crafted 12 Sun […]

Furni Imported News

Grace the Alpaca LTD - Habbo

Statistics: Hotel total in set items sold items available credits spent 216 35 181 13,125 189 89 100 33,375 243 102 141 38,250 54 17 37 6,375 162 43 119 16,125 81 8 73 3,000 135 46 89 17,250 81 10 71 3,750 324 246 78 […]

Imported News

August 2019 - Sunlight City - Habbo

(I) Click here to find out more information. Rares LTD Clothing

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Wardrobe Refresh + New handitem

jacket_F_croppedjumper jacket_M_croppedjumper shirt_F_zebrashirt shirt_M_zebrashirt trousers_U_layeredlongskirt hair_U_longmohawk Pride Flag