Imported News

Jukebox playlist Image -Update2

Hi people! This morning, I found me and Dimix a new editor. Image: – Bienvenue Edited: Recently, the jukebox has been launched in (LL) Edited by Colaman Playlist with any sounds:

Imported News

Friend Bar, coming soon

Hi people! :) I just found a new bar in a Habbo client, is a friend bar =] Image: – Bienvenue

Blogs Imported

Hi people!

Hi :B My name is Bienvenue, I'm new reporter of Puhekupla. I'm from Morocco, but I'm living in Spain. I'm 17 years old and I'm a frequent user from Habbo Spain. I love music, especially Freddie Mercury's song, I speak 5 languages and I usually work in morning and study in afternoon, but I have […]