Imported News

Behind The Pixels

Hey :) Jason sent us some pictures. They are currently developing a new horse (or accessory) : (you can see drafts at the bottom of the news) New hoopers : Pixel Blitz is back! Look at this month theme here!

Imported News

New builder staffs

Hey! Paul LaFontaine just published the names of the 5 new builder staffs, here they are : Thibaut Zimmer (Norman on Hi, my name is Thibaut and I’m a Creative Director in Habbo. I’m French and some of you used to call me “Norman” in a former life. I’m now in charge of pushing […]

Imported News

Niko - Available now

After Bobba Bar and Lost Monkey, wich havn't known a real success on the App Store and the Android Market, Sulake is going to release a third game: Niko Niko is an adventure game that look like the famous game Angry Birds (the character need to fly to move and collect points). It's the story […]

Imported News

SnowStorm ?! Edit

This week, some proofs concerning the likely return of the SnowStorm appeared : 1) A few days ago, at Norman's meeting, a habbo asked if the snowstorm will return this christmas : "Surprise!" told Purd@y (habbo staff too).. 2) At the begining of the event on, the staff created some appartements : ..and we […]

Imported News

Build 895

New handitem : The return of the lido ?! New code : Gift Dimix20 and Punt

Imported News

Normans meeting

Lots of information today! – At the end of the week : we will be able to change the hair style of the horse – Habboween 2011 will begin next week! And it's made by France ! (Norman created the event) – Buy pets with pixels ? No. – We can't buy monkeys – No […]

Imported News


New pet : the Horse ! Catalog icons : ["rare pet15","Rare horse and starter food",""] ["a0 pet15","horse and starter food",""] infostand.button.mount=Ride infostand.button.saddleoff=Remove Saddle infostand.button.dismount=Dismount pet.breed.15.3=Mustang pet.breed.15.4=Icelandic pet.breed.15.1=Arabian pet.breed.15.2=Appaloosa pet.vocals.15.GREET_OWNER.1=Hello! pet.vocals.15.THIRSTY.0=I'm thirsty! pet.vocals.15.GREET_OWNER.0=Fantastic to see you today! pet.vocals.15.HUNGRY.0=I'm starving! pet.vocals.15.PLAYFUL.1=So bored. pet.vocals.15.PLAYFUL.0=Let's do something fun today, like staring at a wall. pet.vocals.15.MUTED.0=*silencio* pet.vocals.15.EATING.0=This is delicious! pet.vocals.15.PLAYING.0=Hey, […]

Imported News

Normans meeting

Hello =) Norman said today that.. – The Fun Fair furni should be ready for Halloween. – There are working on a command to select all the friendsin the console! – Habbo home page (www.habbo.xx/home/xxx) will be integrate in the client – New pets are coming at the end of the month – Probably new […]

Imported News

New pixel effect

3 new pixel effects today : Summer summer summer Dimix20 from Lebanon

Imported News

Skateboard effect !

A new skateboard game is in development ! New skateboard effect : Dimix20