Imported News

New masks and hats

New HabboWeen clothes.

Imported News

Norman's meeting

Hi ! Here's what Norman said at the meeting : – He has no information in regards to bots – He didn't talk about the wired furniture – Perhaps new dimmer colors – He has information on the return of trax. – He said that the Voodoo Furni won't be expensive – New clothes coming […]

Imported News

The weekly meeting of Norman (FR staff)

Every Wednesday, a French Habbo attend a meeting of Norman. – The Battle Ball competition ends Friday. – New form of rooms for VIPs soon – MAYBE the return of Snowstorm (it could be false!) – The next event is of course HabboWeen, Voodoo – BOTS (in catalog) : It's harder than they thought. – […]

Imported News

HabboWeen 2010 [Edit 4( badges)]

All the new things related to habboween have been found. Badges : New furni (reconstruction) : EDIT : EDIT 3 : TopStories : NewsLetter : Others : Background : Source: and Edit by -=Colaman=- Catalogue page: