Imported News

New codes

landing.view.choosehero.body=Will you join the mighty Lord Pixel, or the fearless Silver Mustard? Remember: your choice of badge is PERMANENT! ALWAYS wear it with pride when playing official games. landing.view.choosehero.button1=Silver Mustard landing.view.choosehero.button2=Lord Pixel landing.view.choosehero.title=Choose your Superhero Badge! landing.view.classicb1.body=Here's an absolutely ESSENTIAL piece of Habbo history: the timelessly classic Welcome Lounge! Available for a short time only […]

Imported News

Updates on HC Center

Today, in every hotel in world arrive the "HC Center", and the HC increase 50$ credits + 50 diamonds, or 120 credits + 120 diamonds. out about HC Payday, gifts, benefits and more in the HC Center >> hccenter.breakdown.creditsspent=%credits% credits spent hccenter.breakdown.infolink=Breakdown hccenter.breakdown.paydayfactor.percent=+ %percent%% as HC Payday Credits hccenter.breakdown.paydayfactor=* %percent% as HC Payday Credits […]

Imported News

New code for friend list

Do you want extend the friend list in habbo? It will be possible in the future, only HC members. friendlist.listfull.text=Your friend list has reached the maximum amount of Habbos! For regular Habbos the limit is %mylimit%, but if you upgrade your account to HC you get to have %clublimit% friends in your list!

Imported News

New codes for HC center

Today in the servers for Habbo Hotel, found 16 codes for the "HC Center". This new system will come soon. generic.hccenter=HC Center HC hccenter.btn.earn=Earn HC hccenter.btn.extend=Buy more HC gifts gifts members get a free gift every month! HC Gift out from the crowd! HC members get a massive clothing […]

Imported News

New effect found

New effect found for spring. Is a watering can. FX_192

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[IT] 6 new badges

In the Italian hotel, found 6 badges for different competitions. ITA63 – ITA68

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New mobile icons

New icons mobile version of habbo. Thanks @HabbocomNews

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New badges found -Update

For the NL414 For the BR988 For the FI198 For the DE934; DE955-DE957; DE968 Update 17:19 – More badges were found for the ES09A, ES10A, ES11A, ES12A and ES13A Update by MOCZ =]

Imported News

Viking or pirate?

New codes found from rares vikings/pirates. landing.view.pvsv16engagement.body=After years of desperate searching, the Pirates and the Vikings have FINALLY retrieved an ancient map that shows the location of the Five Forsaken Rares. Now, they're sailing at full speed towards them! Whose ranks will you join in this incredible adventure? landing.view.pvsv16engagement.button1=Ride with the Pirates! landing.view.pvsv16engagement.button2=Sail with the […]

Imported News

New code in the report tool

The new code is to "reporting tool". Each report has many options for inform bad behavior. of the users. Today has found new option to report .The code is: help.cfh.topic.21=Somebody is threatening to harm themselves This new option found on category "violent behavior". We present below a reference image: