Imported News

New Handitem

Tranks @XJorgeHC

Imported News

3 new images -update

Update 22:48

Imported News

New images found

Imported News

3 New Sketches

Available on all social networks of Habbo Hotel

Imported News

4 new sketches

The images were sent to the mail of fan sites by Habbo staff

Imported News

New codes -Update

npc.easterduck.localization_1=HELLO, everyone! Click me to give everyone in this room an Easter gift! npc.easterduck.localization_2=Oh, I do LOVE Easter time… npc.easterduck.localization_3=Everyone, give a round of applause and a big thank you to %username%! npc.easterrabbit.localization_1=Happy Easter! The first Habbo to click me gets a gift. npc.easterrabbit.localization_2=Who wants an Easter gift? npc.easterrabbit.localization_3=Here you go, %username% – check your […]

Imported News

New images found

Credits: JorgeHC the information

Imported News

New badges -Update

BR994 BR995 BR996 PV028 PV029 Update 16:17 NL413 PAS46 PAS47 PAS48

Imported News

11 New Badges -Update 2

Recently, new badges were staying at the Hotel server: PV020 PV021 PV022 These five badges will be used for "Ice Age" an event by Habtium ES02A-ES03A-ES04A This is a preview of the event The event start on 14 March and finish on 20 March Update 17:18 – More badges were found ES01A ES05A ES06A ES07A […]