Imported News

New DTL Rare Machine

How to get your new DTL Rare Machine(For the first 750 redemption only) 1. Buy any product of them by heading to this website: 2. Upon checking out, use the Coupon code: HABBO 3. Steps to collect your rare and badge will be sent to you

Imported News

Cine Tele -update2

Been a week since the bug on Cine_Tele 2,3,4 have been reported but yet no fix have been roll out. The bug disallow users without rights to use the tele. This is the case throughout any type of rooms be it a group room or a non-group room. The screen shot below shows the use […]

Imported News

Question Mark Icon, Finally Answered -update2

Fed up with the Question Mark icon in chat box that does absolutely nothing? Well the day is finally here that Habbo roll out the feature which turns out to be a help of the available commands to be use, the alt codes and the quick type of actions and signs. While many things this […]