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Author: Mark
Hi all!
Well I'm Mark and I own this place. I take care of Alice, Frank, Carl and you. So a little bit information about me. I'm [age=1990-07-07] years old, live in Amsterdam (the Netherlands). My job at Puhekupla is to update and improve the site and keep things running smooth.
I also feed Carl, our Duck. If you have any questions please reach out to me on our Discord.
Sulake choose one bad day (let me play Reach) to upload this much furni. Anyways, took some time but I created images of all furni. Thanks for waiting! BattleBall [furni=”bb_apparatus”] [furni=”bb_cargobox”] [furni=”bb_caterbody”] [furni=”bb_caterhead”] [furni=”bb_crchair”] Nom nom nom [furni=”bb_crchair2″] Nom nom nom [furni=”bb_crchair3″] Nom nom nom [furni=”bb_crnr”] [furni=”bb_dragon”] [furni=”bb_ducklight”] [furni=”bb_fnc1″] [furni=”bb_fnc3″] [furni=”bb_gate_b”] [furni=”bb_gate_g”] [furni=”bb_gate_r”] [furni=”bb_gate_y”] [furni=”bb_knj1″] […]
Update by Colaman: Battleball in action! It is finally back. Screenshoots from the video:
Sulake announced today thay made more money in the first 6 months of this year they ever did before. "Sulake, the parent company of Habbo Hotel (that's us!) today announced it's best-ever half year performance in the company's history. Our H1/2010 revenue reached €29.8 million (IFRS), a 20% increase versus 2009 first half. During the […]
Wh000t! About time.. finally some new stuff! Let's take a look: – Jobs page – Links page – Some layout fixes – Improved language system. – Bugfixes Not that much but it's still worth mentioning it. Please report bugs here. Mark
Habbo.com got updated to release 57. Release 57 Build 30 24-08-2010 14:54 Also, the Rhino got uploaded. It's not possible to make any images now, because Sulake did not change the color palletes for the pets.. Based on earlier images, I was possible to recreate the rhino, in it's original colors. Rhinos will be 20 […]
Nothing special, posted a few weeks/days ago. [furni=”ads_disney_tv”] For the Dutch Disney Campaign. 3000 random groupmembers will recieve one.
Advertisements [furni=”ads_cheetos_bath”] [furni=”ads_cheetos_hotdog”] [furni=”ads_oc_soda_cherry”] Tiki [furni=”tiki_gate”] Weird furni, Frank didn't see it.. African [furni=”african_bones”] [furni=”african_fence”] [furni=”african_patch”] [furni=”african_stage”] [furni=”african_tree1″] [furni=”african_tree2″] Stray Pixel entries (Habbo.com) [furni=”easel_0″] [furni=”easel_1″] [furni=”easel_2″] [furni=”easel_3″] [furni=”easel_4″] Hospital [furni=”hosptl_bbag”] [furni=”hosptl_bed”] [furni=”hosptl_cab1″] [furni=”hosptl_cab2″] [furni=”hosptl_curtain”] [furni=”hosptl_defibs”] [furni=”hosptl_light”] [furni=”hosptl_seat”] [furni=”hosptl_skele”] [furni=”hosptl_xray”] Kitchen [furni=”ktchn10_block”] [furni=”ktchn10_cabnt”] [furni=”ktchn10_pot”] [furni=”ktchn10_sink”] [furni=”ktchn10_stove”] [furni=”ktchn10_tea”] New pets [furni=”nest_lion”] [furni=”nest_lion2″] [furni=”nest_rhino”] [furni=”petfood14″] [furni=”petfood15″]
Habbo.com is open again and it's updated to release 56. Habbo.com Release 56 – Build 42 13-08-2010 02:09 Sulake and Habbo did not release anything new, but after some searching I found this new pet. It's a lion. The other pet, the Rhino isn't uploaded at the moment. And still no sign of the new […]
HabboReport just uploaded a new video. It's not that hard to see the lion in it.. Update by Imadj: New pets will be: A Lion and a Rhino…