Furni Imported News

Battleball counter + MTV

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Furni Imported News

Battleball Furni! -Update

Sulake choose one bad day (let me play Reach) to upload this much furni. Anyways, took some time but I created images of all furni. Thanks for waiting! BattleBall [furni=”bb_apparatus”] [furni=”bb_cargobox”] [furni=”bb_caterbody”] [furni=”bb_caterhead”] [furni=”bb_crchair”] Nom nom nom [furni=”bb_crchair2″] Nom nom nom [furni=”bb_crchair3″] Nom nom nom [furni=”bb_crnr”] [furni=”bb_dragon”] [furni=”bb_ducklight”] [furni=”bb_fnc1″] [furni=”bb_fnc3″] [furni=”bb_gate_b”] [furni=”bb_gate_g”] [furni=”bb_gate_r”] [furni=”bb_gate_y”] [furni=”bb_knj1″] […]

Imported News

Battleball Preview -update2

Update by Colaman: Battleball in action! It is finally back. Screenshoots from the video:

Imported News

Money money money

Sulake announced today thay made more money in the first 6 months of this year they ever did before. "Sulake, the parent company of Habbo Hotel (that's us!) today announced it's best-ever half year performance in the company's history. Our H1/2010 revenue reached €29.8 million (IFRS), a 20% increase versus 2009 first half. During the […]

Blogs Imported


Wh000t! About time.. finally some new stuff! Let's take a look: – Jobs page – Links page – Some layout fixes – Improved language system. – Bugfixes Not that much but it's still worth mentioning it. Please report bugs here. Mark

Imported News

Release 57 - COM got updated to release 57. Release 57 Build 30 24-08-2010 14:54 Also, the Rhino got uploaded. It's not possible to make any images now, because Sulake did not change the color palletes for the pets.. Based on earlier images, I was possible to recreate the rhino, in it's original colors. Rhinos will be 20 […]

Furni Imported News

Disney TV uploaded

Nothing special, posted a few weeks/days ago. [furni=”ads_disney_tv”] For the Dutch Disney Campaign. 3000 random groupmembers will recieve one.

Furni Imported News

Lots of furni found!

Advertisements [furni=”ads_cheetos_bath”] [furni=”ads_cheetos_hotdog”] [furni=”ads_oc_soda_cherry”] Tiki [furni=”tiki_gate”] Weird furni, Frank didn't see it.. African [furni=”african_bones”] [furni=”african_fence”] [furni=”african_patch”] [furni=”african_stage”] [furni=”african_tree1″] [furni=”african_tree2″] Stray Pixel entries ( [furni=”easel_0″] [furni=”easel_1″] [furni=”easel_2″] [furni=”easel_3″] [furni=”easel_4″] Hospital [furni=”hosptl_bbag”] [furni=”hosptl_bed”] [furni=”hosptl_cab1″] [furni=”hosptl_cab2″] [furni=”hosptl_curtain”] [furni=”hosptl_defibs”] [furni=”hosptl_light”] [furni=”hosptl_seat”] [furni=”hosptl_skele”] [furni=”hosptl_xray”] Kitchen [furni=”ktchn10_block”] [furni=”ktchn10_cabnt”] [furni=”ktchn10_pot”] [furni=”ktchn10_sink”] [furni=”ktchn10_stove”] [furni=”ktchn10_tea”] New pets [furni=”nest_lion”] [furni=”nest_lion2″] [furni=”nest_rhino”] [furni=”petfood14″] [furni=”petfood15″]

Imported News

Release 56 -update3 is open again and it's updated to release 56. Release 56 – Build 42 13-08-2010 02:09 Sulake and Habbo did not release anything new, but after some searching I found this new pet. It's a lion. The other pet, the Rhino isn't uploaded at the moment. And still no sign of the new […]

Imported News


HabboReport just uploaded a new video. It's not that hard to see the lion in it.. Update by Imadj: New pets will be: A Lion and a Rhino…