Imported News

What animal is this?

Well Habbo UK uploaded this picture: what_animal_is_this.png After some research I found out it’s a baby Tapir. Tapirs live in Asia and can grow between 6 and 8 feet. They have 4 toes on each front feet and 3 toes on the back feet. They can’t see very well but they can hear and smell […]

Imported News

Bots are on their way! -u

Looking for more info…

Imported News

Some Must Read Informatio

I just want to make some things clear. People claiming they found something. I see a lot of people complaining about stuff we post at our site. They say an other site found it first and we need to give credits to them. I think thats (keeping it nice). Everyone can find stuff these days, […]

Imported News

Puhekupla gets updated +b

v2.3 is here and it brings a heap of new features with it. Well as most of you have noticed the site has been updated again, this time we have brought in a log in box so you only have to sign in once a few new comment tools, most of which can only be […]

Imported News

LASGO visiting NL! -updat

We don’t know when, but there are images on the server! Article Image Image 1 Image 2 Image 3 Image 4 Image 5 Topstory Image Cool huh?! Update 28-09-2009 [url=]

Furni Imported News

New furni

[furni=”ads_mtvtrophy_gold”] [furni=”ads_mtvtrophy_silver”] [furni=”ads_spang_sleep”] [furni=”ads_spang_sleep_cmp”]

Furni Imported News

New furni arrived!

[furni=”urban_bench”] [furni=”urban_bin”] [furni=”urban_blocker”] [furni=”urban_bsktbll”] [furni=”urban_carsofa”] [furni=”urban_fence”] [furni=”urban_fence_corner”] [furni=”urban_lamp”] [furni=”urban_sidewalk”] [furni=”urban_wall”] [furni=”urban_wpost”] [furni=”sf_mbar”] [furni=”ads_gsArcade_1″] [furni=”ads_gsArcade_2″] [furni=”ads_idol_l_carpet”] [furni=”ads_idol_l_logo”] [furni=”ads_idol_l_tv”] [furni=”ads_mtv_bigtv”] [furni=”ads_mtv_tv”]

Furni Imported News

New Dimmer Furni

Uploaded today, a bit late because release37 was yesterday.. [furni=”dimmer_fuse6″] [furni=”dimmer_swtch”] [furni=”dimmer_fuse2″] [furni=”dimmer_buttn”]

Imported News

Mysterious storage found!

Today, Habbo NL posted this article. Saying it will reveal the secret this Sunday. Well we at Puhekupla know what is it about.. Habbo used this image, as you can see there is a little dragon behind the box. Thanks to Colaman we found this image. As you can see the boxes are the same […]

Furni Imported News

[ALL] New furni found (ZE

Updated by -Haakon-: I’ve made and added animations of the furni you see below the furniture itself. Some of the furni doesn’t do anything in the hotel ;) It will take some time to load all the animations :-| [furni=”rela_candle1″] [furni=”rela_candles1″] [furni=”rela_candle2″] [furni=”rela_candles2″] [furni=”rela_candle3″] [furni=”rela_candles3″] [furni=”rela_orchid”] [furni=”rela_plant”] [furni=”rela_stick”] [furni=”rela_hchair”] [furni=”rela_rock”] [furni=”rela_stone”] [furni=”rela_wall”] [furni=”flag_belgium”] [furni=”flag_portugal”] [furni=”ads_mall_wingar”] […]