[furni=”ads_calip_chair”] [furni=”ads_calip_chaircmp”] [furni=”ads_idol_trophy”] [furni=”totem_head”] [furni=”flag_norway”]
Author: Mark
Hi all!
Well I'm Mark and I own this place. I take care of Alice, Frank, Carl and you. So a little bit information about me. I'm [age=1990-07-07] years old, live in Amsterdam (the Netherlands). My job at Puhekupla is to update and improve the site and keep things running smooth.
I also feed Carl, our Duck. If you have any questions please reach out to me on our Discord.
That’s all. Update by Mark [simg=https://content.puhekupla.com/img/archive/Fansites_1.gif] Btw, no news from me the next few days (I’m away till Sunday)
Pfff.. a lot of people visited us the last few weeks… We have a lot of visitors at Puhekupla. A little bit to much for our little server. To keep the site running I made some backup servers. This servers are running on domains I own but don’t have a lot of visitors. So that […]
Looks like Sulake is planning something big for today or maybe they broke all European Hotels. We don’t know what’s going on but all European Hotels are down. We keep you updated! Habbo.co.uk Habbo.nl Habbo.de Habbo.fi Habbo.no Habbo.fr Habbo.es Habbo.se Habbo.ch Habbo.it Habbo.dk And some more. Edit: all hotels are back but nothing new. Looks […]
[furni=”country_patio”] [furni=”country_corner”] [furni=”country_ditch”]
[furni=”eco_mush1″] [furni=”eco_mush2″] [furni=”env_telep”] [furni=”sound_set_72″] [furni=”country_rbw”] [furni=”country_fp”] [furni=”country_soil”] [furni=”country_grass”] [furni=”country_log”] [furni=”country_trctr”] [furni=”country_stage”] [furni=”country_well”] [furni=”country_gate”] [furni=”country_fnc1″] [furni=”country_fnc2″] [furni=”country_fnc3″] [furni=”country_rain”] [furni=”country_wheat”] [furni=”country_lantern”] [furni=”country_wall”] [furni=”country_scarecrow”] [furni=”ads_goldtabl”] [furni=”ads_calip_cola-1″] [furni=”ads_calip_cola-2″] [furni=”ads_calip_cola-3″] [furni=”ads_calip_cola-4″]
[furni=”ads_cl_sofa”] [furni=”ads_cl_sofa_cmp”] [furni=”ads_clcake”] [furni=”ads_clcake2″] [notice]ads_clcake2 is not uploaded[/notice] [furni=”ads_idol_tblCloth”] [furni=”ads_idol_lamp”] [furni=”ads_idol_carpet”]
It’s magic.. :) we can rotate some of the furni we found earlier. Oh.. and don’t want the stupid Dutch or weird Finnish comments? Just select the language here. Cool huh?!? Update2: It is possible to choose two languages. So you can see Finnish and Dutch of Engels and Dutch comments. Try it out!
Thanks to ghordo.ban here. Disco-Lee (Habbo Staff) posted something interesting at Twitter. "Grandes novidades no Habbo em Junho. Novidades a níveis mundiais. Preparem-se." Translated: "Great news in Habbo in June. News the for Habbo world. Get ready." What do you think? Update: "Pra quem ta falando que a novidade é Habbo 3D. Desencanem. Habbo é […]
Not new really, just the Reebok block with the logo on it.. [furni=”ads_reebok_block2cmp”]