Imported News

Build 535

Habbo released minor changes such as the removal of the amount of people online in the homepage (sorry I don't have a picture – logged in fast after Habbo opened) and this:

Imported News

Build 525

Habbo released a new minor update today which is in the infostand. You can now expand and collapse the infostand in order not to block your view. :)

Imported News

Release 63 - Build 499 [UPDATE]

Another Update, The (NEW) Button On The Sidebar !! Finally Found What That Down Button Does! Its To Announce You Completed A Quest. im Sure Were Preety Familiar With The Other Buttons By Now… Not sure what build were upto yet now… because of so many updates… But heres something i just recently found: FOLLOW […]

Imported News

Release 63 - Build 493

BUILD 493 Update Was preety useless, but i found that now you dont need to scroll around to see the full room, its just there! All centered and everything :) ——————————————————————————————— BUILD 492 Habbo introduced some new changes, particularly to the catalogue. These gifts can be redeemed with Shells, which can be earned by doing […]

Blogs Imported

Redsaph starts typing...

Hello! Are you there? Echo! Hello, everyone! I'm Redsaph, the latest reporter of Puhekupla. I'm happy to start contributing to this site (I've been waiting for this moment the whole time. Now I have to go bye bye. Ciao!