Imported News

New accessory

Seems a weird tattoo… Thx to Punt/Fiavel

Imported News

Permia - Duels, now in

Original News Article by Saternoir: Today was released the beta version of Permia – Duels, a game made by Seepia Games (developer of Tetrablok). You can play it in at the moment, but if the game is very played, will launch it to and if the people play it a lot, will launch […]

Imported News

What about Habbo developed in Unity?

Recently, Sulake posted a career, they are searching a Unity Game Developer. Unity is, as Wikipedia says, a cross-platform game engine. That means, a game developed with Unity can be played in all OS you know. What you think if really Habbo will be developed in Unity? Tell your opinion here! Also we think if […]

Imported News

New size of Habbo Look

< &size=l Old sizes: < &size=n < &size=s Thx to SoyJoaquin.

Imported News

Challenge competition on Habbo Stories, vignettes -update1

Update by desativaado.ban: (HEART) Illustration:

Imported News

New effect

fx_165=Facebooker_name fx_165_desc=Facebooker_desc [avatar_effect165\",\"Facebooker!\",\"Special Effect for Facebook Connect.\"]

Imported News

BUILD 2361 -Update2

New effects [\"avatar_effect159\",\"Walking Barrel_name\",\"Walking Barrel_desc\"] fx_159=Walking Barrel_name fx_159_desc=Walking Barrel_desc Icons:

Imported News

New action of Sulake to keep Habbo real

During this day has been known that Sulake, the company responsible of the already known game Habbo Hotel, has made another action for closing the retros, illegal copies of Habbo Hotel. This time there was no legal complaints, only has been communicated to the owner of PlusIndustry, responsible for such illegal copy, it must close […]

Imported News

Permia - Duels, images of the game

If you do not see the images, Ctrl + F5 to the page, if also do not see the images, sorry about it. Sorry also for bad definition.

Imported News

A day in the life of a Habbo Moderator

illumina style Habbo moderators.. – 123http