Imported News

Camera Updates!

Hello :) Today got some new images for the camera: Old Image: Thanks to Shorty :)

Imported News

Camera returns!

Hey! Today the new build revealed that the camera is returning to Habbo! After sulake promised that it would not return to habbo following Puhekupla\'s april fools, here it is: More coming soon! Thanks to Shorty

Imported News

BUILD 1453

Hey! Today updated to build 1453, and some new things appeared.. UPDATE (Thanks to Shorty) More coming soon!

Imported News

Build 1444! [UPD2]

Hey! Today Habbo Hotel updated to BUILD1444. Some things that have been noticed so far: Chatbox has moved + new texts Helper has been removed? UPDATE: New achievement coming soon? New hotelview No more earning pixels on achievements/quests Events have been removed from the navigator! Thanks to zuc0001 New filtering: UPDATE: New alert style: More […]

Imported News

Habbo Helpers/Habbo Talents!

Hello! A few days ago, Habbo Helpers/Habbo Talents was released into the .COM hotel. The new helper tool was released: It came with a new \"Habbo Way\", Which showed users what is right and wrong: A small quiz is at the end, this is how you unlock the Habbo Talents! Requesting help via the new […]

Imported News

Habbo Talents! [UPD]

Hey! Some early screens of the new Habbo Talents/Habbo Helpers system: Icon Thanks to Shorty for the images (L) New images: -Tweeney

Imported News

Games Centre?!

Hi! Just got sent this image of the \"Games Centre\" for Habbo: Thanks to Shorty and Myrax! Looks like more Habbo Games may be coming, as it has its own section at the bottom. What\'s your opinions?

Imported News

Illumina hits Habbo!

Hey! Today on we found that Illumina started to appear… Seams it\'s currently only on the name changing thing for new registers: This is all so far, but atleast its coming! You can view this on HabboNL EDIT: You can also view it on HabboCOM Thanks -Tweeney

Imported News

Habbo Helpers! [UPD]

Hello! Today, lots of new information about Habbo 514 has been released. Here is the article that goes with it: Open spoiler HABBO HELPERS ENTERING TEST MODE! First off… the 514 project now has an official name! No longer will it go by its numerical mystery code, from now on, you will know it as: […]

Imported News

Build 1268 - Bunnies!

Hey! Today a new pet was uploaded to Habbo in the latest build and should be available to buy later today! The bunny: Thanks to Shorty: and the petfood: Enjoy the bunnies! -Tweeney