Imported News

Easter 2019 - New achievements

ACH_EasterCreatures1 – ACH_EasterCreatures10 (*) Habbo COM badge_name_ACH_EasterCreatures1=Hatched 2 Fairytale Creatures badge_name_ACH_EasterCreatures2=Hatched 4 Fairytale Creatures badge_name_ACH_EasterCreatures3=Hatched 6 Fairytale Creatures badge_name_ACH_EasterCreatures4=Hatched 8 Fairytale Creatures badge_name_ACH_EasterCreatures5=Hatched 10 Fairytale Creatures badge_name_ACH_EasterCreatures6=Hatched 12 Fairytale Creatures badge_name_ACH_EasterCreatures7=Hatched 14 Fairytale Creatures badge_name_ACH_EasterCreatures8=Hatched 16 Fairytale Creatures badge_name_ACH_EasterCreatures9=Hatched 18 Fairytale Creatures badge_name_ACH_EasterCreatures10=Hatched 20 Fairytale Creatures (*) Habbo ES badge_name_ACH_EasterCreatures1=Eclosión 2 Criaturas de Cuento de […]

Imported News

March - New Community Challenge Band Synth or Basement Band Drum Kit populair Basement Band instrument do you think this year is the most popular Basement Band instrument? Do you think most habbos prefer to go crazy on the Basement Band Drum Kit or do they prefer the Basement Band Synth? Results are measured after March 21. […]

Imported News

New furnis coming soon - Band + Clothes + Rares

["band_c19_drums","Basement Band Drum Kit",""] ["band_c19_guitar","Basement Band Guitar",""] ["band_c19_synth","Basement Band Synth",""] ["clothing_topbuttonshirt","Top Buttoned Shirt",""] ["clothing_highfade","High Fade",""] ["clothing_rippedjeans2","Frayed Jeans",""] ["clothing_messycurls","Long Messy Curls",""] ["rare_r19_car1","The Bonnie Blonde Mobile",""] ["clothing_r19_messybangs","Messy Bangs",""] ["clothing_r19_longtwotone","Two-Tone Curls",""] ["clothing_r19_punkhat","Horned Cap",""] ["clothing_r19_scuffedboots","Rocker Boots",""] ["rare_colourable_parasol_4","Rose Pink Parasol",""] ["rare_colourable_scifirocket_4","Rose Pink Smoke Machine",""] ["clothing_highfade","High Fade",""]

Imported News

Sound Test - Rare Romantic Record Player

RARE Romantic Record Player Play a love song on this rare record player and get in the mood for love… Rare furni, available now! (EXCLUSIVE badge included) ["val_r19_recordplayer","Romantic Record Player",""] Sound 1 Sound 2 Sound 3

Imported News

Rare Golden Key Credit Furni

RARE Golden Key Credit Furni Rare and only available for a limited time, this Golden Key credit furni is one for the collectors out there. Get one while you can! 01.01.19 Habbo DE / Habbo ES Habbo FI / Habbo FR Habbo COM / Habbo IT Habbo NL / Habbo BR/PT Habbo TR RARO Furni […]

Imported News

New codes - Rare Prize 2019

["rare_prize19_0","Tan Panda",""] ["rare_prize19_10","Scarlet Panda",""] ["rare_prize19_11","Beige Panda",""] ["rare_prize19_12","Brown Panda",""] ["rare_prize19_13","Teal Panda",""] ["rare_prize19_1","Blue Panda",""] ["rare_prize19_2","Green Panda",""] ["rare_prize19_3","Red Panda",""] ["rare_prize19_4","Yellow Panda",""] ["rare_prize19_5","Turquoise Panda",""] ["rare_prize19_6","Pink Panda",""] ["rare_prize19_7","Orange Panda",""] ["rare_prize19_8","Purple Panda",""] ["rare_prize19_9","Mauve Panda",""]

Furni Imported News

Prices - Gold Accessory Pack + Party Hat Boxes -UPDATE2

(*) UPDATE 26/12 – 2018 Party Hat Boxes (27.12.18) + (30.12.18) – New HC Gifts (27.12.18) 25 + 25 [furni=”clothing_r18_goldpack4″] 25 + 25 [furni=”year2019″] 5 NOUVEAUX Chapeaux de Fête (Only Habbo FR) Cette année, à la demande générale, nous retr.ouvons huit NOUVEAUX chapeaux de fête. Où est le tien ? 25 + 25 25 + […]

Imported News

SOON: Classic Rares 2019 -UPDATE4

(Habbo IT + Habbo FR + Habbo BR/PT) Ombrellone Arancione RARO – Parasol Orange RARE – RARO Guarda-sol Laranja (badge) (Habbo ES) RARO La Heladera Verde (badge) (Habbo FI) HARVINAINEN Jadesavukone (badge) (Habbo IT + Habbo DE + Habbo FR) Macchina del Fumo Acqua RARA – RARE petrole Nebelmaschine – Fumigène Aqua RARE (badge) (Habbo […]

Imported News

Disabled: Helper Tool (Habbo COM)

guides.enabled=false The Help Tol integrates the moderation system of the game and has been disabled without notice and no explanation so far. Hours earlier, players reported attacks on the tool – ironically one of them suggested turning it off. In other hotels the tool works normally.

Imported News


RARE Snowy Owl Get your very own rare Snowy Owl! Just be prepared for it to bring home mice every now and again. Available for a short time only! 07/12 RARE Snowy Owl